Choir performance of 'miu'
Choir performance of 'miu' (Barcelona)
October 1, 2021
*We suggest watching this piece on a large screen to appreciate its details.
Our knitted pieces inspired Carlota Guerrero to develop a performance around the power of energetic threads between people. She had been exploring this association when introduced for the first time to the music by Marina Herlop, who, among other works, explores the relationship between voices to create evocative compositions that evolve within themselves. Carlota and Marina met in Barcelona and shared their common interest in exploring the tie between them. Later on, Carlota was at a bar discussing the project with Mariona Valdés when the artist Júlia Creuhueras shared that she had been interested in creating a machine that was powered by the connection between women. This led these four artists to form an enchanted mechanism of women powered by voices pulled by strings.

Phases of the decay of Marina's dress

Images from the first rehearsal at Estudio Wenceslao
L'Hospitalet del Llobregat, Barcelona October 2021

Images from the second rehearsal at Estudio Wenceslao
L'Hospitalet del Llobregat, Barcelona October 2021
(Backstage images of the audience featuring PW before the filming of Choir performance of 'miu')

Creative direction
Carlota Guerrero
Júlia Creuheras
Mariona Valdés
María Gaminde
Esma Events
Original song 'miu' composed, produced and recorded by
Marina Herlop
Vocals and mix
Marina Herlop
Borja Ruiz
Choir members
Helena Ros
Yasmin Amoura
Teresa Guisado
Eva Soler
Clàudia Balletbó
Choir assistants
Anna Senpau
Susanna Van Roessel
Maria Pleguezuelos
Mar Suárez
Alex de la Croix
Alicia Gutiérrez
Amy D
Andrea Sörensen
Annabel B
Anna Lo
Chelsea Princess
Fatou Diagne
Felix Felices
Femke Bloem
Maria Sacko
Maria Zhao Li
Nathaly Betzaida
Patricia Reina
Samba Injai
Seraphin Badji
Vera Gispert
Xinyi Zhang
Xulia Dorado
Zerek Zhang
Special thanks to
Carlota Rubí, Julia Sanfeliu and María Morgui